Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Article in The Sun: Bridging the Green Divide

No Impact Man writes about Environmentalism and Social Justice, and cites this article... I've been thinking a lot about how personal life crises affect efforts toward planetary salvation. I am clearly not the only one. These are matters we MUST address with calm urgency. Is it possible that helping to clean up the planet will help us clean up our own lives, even when we are in the deepest despair or facing the most intense personal challenges? Does it work both ways? Achieving individual self-actualization would certainly better equip us to take on the planet's woes. However, it's impossible to be fully self-actualized if our house is in such disarray. If we could effect personal improvement alongside planetary improvement, that would be nice.

Until I can recover sufficiently to articulate my concerns, I will continue to point to others who have managed to do that job.

Food for thought.

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