Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Remembering 9/11

It may seem like an odd date to commemorate the tragedy, but I know people who live daily with the consequences of their direct exposure to the horrific events of that day. For example, this teacher friend of mine suffers health problems and who knows what other traumatic memories from her experience, escaping from right under the towers with her students.

I received an email about some wackos in Europe who want to take the Haulocaust out of history books to avoid offending Muslims. I have no idea of the veracity of this rumor, but the very idea is upsetting. The idea that these horrific events of history can be glossed over so easily is abhorrant. So today's mention of one of our nation's tragedies is my effort to combat this. I won't begin to go into my opinions about the actions our "leaders" have taken subsequent to 9/11... let's just leave it at this for now. Go read the account I've linked to instead.

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