Wednesday, October 31, 2007

upcoming hiatus

Yesterday the Ex abruptly reneged on his agreement to serve as temporary physical custodian of the boys through December, effective immediately. I'm scrambling to make ready to take on full-time parenting despite my doctors' admonitions to rest and recover.

I saw one of the physician's assistants yesterday, and she wasn't pleased with what she saw. She consulted with the doctor, and they decided to take a "wait and see" approach. In the next four weeks we'll see if I can make enough progress in my recovery to avoid further hospitalization and surgery, but we're all on alert. I'm seeing my amazing wunderdokter (primary care physician) tomorrow for a more general health assessment, and I'll ask him how to do the work of healing under the new circumstances of parenting with breaks every other weekend and Monday nights.

So far, that looks like this:
--Transport children to their respective schools in time for breakfast provided THERE; that saves the effort and energy required to wheedle them into eating at home.
--Go home and eat, then get into bed until it's time to pick up the kids from school. Eat again before I do that job.
--Try to hire someone to help with the driving since I haven't been given the go-ahead yet. In order to do my own driving, I can't take narcotics, which brings me into the pain cycle but will keep me from being a danger on the road. Though I'm not sure if being under the influence of severe pain is much better than a little morphine, I'm not going to argue with the laws about intoxication while operating a motor vehicle.
--Make simple dinners, get the boys to help set the table and clean up. Sit down to eat with them.
--Baths only every other night.
--When the clock reaches 8:00, I am in bed and unavailable for retucking in, scaring away monsters, answering questions, reading yet another story, giving one more kiss, getting drinks of water, or ANYTHING. If they can't settle in during the hour before bedtime, with my full attention, then they have to fend for themselves. By then I physically can't do it.
--Inquire about having play dates on my weekends to help dilute the little boy energy or spread it around with the help of my friends and their children.
--Give up on anything that takes any extra energy.

That last point is the reason I don't anticipate writing more on my blog for a while. Lately I've gone slightly crazy, reading and reacting and researching and 'riting, but I've done it in bed, with long breaks. It has STILL taken more energy than one would expect. Now it's too expensive.

So, the conversation will continue later. Wish me luck... I need all the help I can get to rebuild my body, be a good mother, and eventually recover to the point where I can not only be well and be a GREAT mother and friend, but also get back to work to support us. That last point is the furthest away of all. Until I get there, sacrifices need to be made. Buh bye, blog.

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